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Results for "keyword: "morning""
Shoes A reminder for a short morning devotion.
Morning Laughter Use laughter to wake in the morning.
Don't Jump Right out of Bed Waking gradually.
The Beginning and Ending Encouragement for ritualizing the beginning and ending of your day.
Tune in to Yourself in the Morning Suggestions for taking the time to check-in with yourself.
Thy Kingdom Come A prayer for all tasks of each day.
Remember to Give Thanks A reminder for this very moment.
Vibrantly Alive An affirmation to permeate you and your day with zest for life.
Keeping Silent Creating quiet takes effort in our noisy world. Here are some simple practices to heed the call: "The Lord is in his temple; let all the earth keep silent before him."
Renewing Your Faith Upon Arising Creating a spiritual "to do" list.